Guppy Fish Care: The Ultimate Guide

Guppy Fish Care Guide

Taking care of guppy fish can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for any aquarium enthusiast.

Having the right knowledge regarding essential elements such as tank size, water quality, temperature and food not only ensures that your fish live a long and healthy life but allows you to observe their amazing colors in all their glory.

With this complete guide to guppy fish care, you’ll have access to important information that will help you provide the best environment possible for these popular freshwater fish.

Guppy Fish Species Profile

Are you a new fish keeper? Guppies are a great species for beginners! They are hardy, active and come in an array of stunning colors and patterns.

This profile table provides key information on guppies to help you get started. From their scientific name and size to their habitat and breeding habits, you’ll find everything you need to know about keeping guppies here.

Scientific namePoecilia reticulata
Common namesGuppies, millionfish, rainbow fish
OriginNortheast South America (Venezuela/Guyana/Suriname)
Adult SizeMales up to 1.5 inches / Females up to to 2.5 inches
Life expectancy2-3 years
TemperamentPeaceful and social, can be kept in community tanks with other non-aggressive fish
Disease susceptibilityDisease susceptibility
Prone to fin rot, velvet, and dropsy
DietOmnivorous, eat a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and live/frozen foods
Minimum tank size5 gallons for a small group, but 10-20 gallons is better for long-term housing
BreedingEasy to breed, females can give birth to 20-40 fry every 30 days
Care levelEasy, suitable for beginner aquarists
TankmatesCoexist with non-aggressive species like tetras and mollies
AvailabilityWidely available in pet stores and online
EpicFishTank Note:

Guppies are a great way to begin learning to care for fish. They are energetic, colorful fish that don’t require too much in terms of maintenance or special care.

How to Set Up a Guppy Fish Tank (Starter Guide)

beautiful guppy fish

Setting up an aquarium for guppies is not as complicated as it seems! Keep on reading to find out all the essentials for a healthy and thriving guppy tank.

#1 Choose the right tank size

Generally speaking, guppies do best in tanks that provide 2 gallons of water per guppy, with a minimum tank size for two guppies being 5 gallons.

This will provide them with plenty of space to school, swim freely and keep their waste levels low. When thinking about picking the correct sized tank for guppies, it’s important to also consider adding other fish that fit into the same tank.

Tank SizeGuppiesReasoning
5 gallon tank2-3 guppiesWhile a 5 gallon tank can house a small number of guppies, it’s important to keep in mind that overstocking can lead to poor water quality and health issues for the fish. A 1:2 male-to-female ratio (1 male and 1-2 females) can be maintained in a 5 gallon tank with frequent water changes and maintenance.
10 gallon tank5-7 guppiesMale guppies are generally smaller than females and can become more aggressive if there are too many males in a tank. Keeping a male-to-female ratio of 1:2 can help prevent aggression and ensure a more balanced and peaceful tank. In a 10 gallon tank, 5-7 guppies (2-3 males and 3-4 females) can be comfortably housed with good filtration and maintenance.
20 gallon tank10-14 guppiesA 20 gallon tank provides ample swimming space and room for plants and decorations. A 1:2 male-to-female ratio (4-6 males and 6-8 females) can be maintained in a 20 gallon tank with good filtration and maintenance. However, it’s important to avoid overstocking, as this can lead to aggression and stress among the fish.

Please note that these are general guidelines and there are many factors that can affect the number of fish a tank can support, such as the efficiency of the filtration system, the presence of live plants, and the amount of waste the fish produce.

💡 Guppies can happily live with other small species such as tetras and rasboras as long as there is enough room for all of them.

EpicFishTank Note:

It’s also important to consider the behavior of the fish species being kept and avoid overstocking the guppies tank, which can lead to aggression, stress, and health problems for the fish.

#2 Select the right filtration system

If you’re a beginner looking for a filtration system for your guppies, consider a sponge filter. Sponge filters are a popular choice among guppy owners because they are simple to set up and maintain, cost-effective, and efficient in filtering waste.

Sponge filters are particularly suitable for guppies and guppy fry because they provide gentle water movement and create a calm environment, which is ideal for guppies.

💡 The gentle flow from a sponge filter ensures that your guppies won’t be swept away by the current, which can cause stress or even injury. In addition, the sponge filter creates a surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow, which helps break down waste and maintain water quality.

Another benefit of a sponge filter is that it’s suitable for a wide range of tank sizes and can handle large populations of guppies. This makes it an ideal option for beginners who are starting with a smaller tank and a smaller number of guppies but plan to expand their collection in the future.

Sponge filters are also easy to clean and maintain. You can simply remove the sponge and rinse it under running water, squeezing it gently to remove any debris. This should be done every few weeks or as needed to maintain optimal performance.

Here is a table of the benefits of a sponge filter compared to other types of filters for guppies:

BenefitSponge FilterHang-On-Back (HOB) FilterCanister Filter
CostInexpensiveInexpensive to moderateModerate to expensive
MaintenanceEasy to clean and maintainEasy to clean and maintainCan be time-consuming and complex
Water MovementGentle, creates a calm environmentCan be too strong for guppiesAdjustable, but can still be too strong for guppies
FiltrationGood biological filtration, less effective for mechanical filtrationGood for mechanical filtration, less effective for biological filtrationGood for both mechanical and biological filtration
Tank SizeSuitable for a wide range of tank sizesSuitable for smaller tanks, may not be effective for larger tanksSuitable for larger tanks, may not be necessary for smaller tanks
Guppy FrySafe for guppy fry, won’t suck them upMay suck up guppy fryMay suck up guppy fry
EpicFishTank Note:

Filtration creates a smooth flow of water in the guppy’s tank. It helps guppies become more active and encourage them to swim around while keeping their delicate fins and tails perfectly flutter.

The Benefits of Sponge Filters for Supporting the Nitrogen Cycle in Guppy Tanks

The Nitrogen Cycle Diagram in Aquariums

💡 The nitrogen cycle is the process by which beneficial bacteria in your tank convert harmful ammonia, which is produced by fish waste and uneaten food, into less harmful compounds like nitrites and nitrates. These compounds can then be removed through regular water changes. Read the explanation of nitrogen cycle process here.

Sponge filters are ideal for the nitrogen cycle because they provide a large surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow and thrive. These bacteria colonize the sponge and consume the waste produced by your guppies, helping to maintain optimal water quality and prevent harmful spikes in ammonia levels.

In addition, sponge filters provide gentle water movement, which helps to distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the tank, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and a healthy aquatic environment for your guppies.

Overall, a sponge filter is an excellent choice for maintaining the nitrogen cycle in your aquarium and ensuring a healthy and stable environment for your guppies.

EpicFishTank Note:

As a beginner, it’s important to understand the role of the nitrogen cycle in your tank and choose a filtration system, such as a sponge filter, that supports this essential process.

#3 Best Substrate for Guppies

Choosing the right substrate is an important decision when setting up an aquarium for guppies, and there are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose the best option for your fish.

Two common choices for beginners are sand and gravel substrates, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

In the table below, we have summarized the pros and cons of each substrate type to help you make an informed decision based on your needs and preferences.

SandProvides a natural and tropical lookCan be challenging to clean due to its fine texture
Easy to clean as waste and debris sit on the surfaceCan cause anaerobic pockets if not maintained properly
Allows fish to forage and search for food easily
Gentle on fish’s delicate fins and scales
Does not trap harmful gases like ammonia
GravelProvides a traditional and textured lookDebris can fall between the gaps and be challenging to clean
Easier to vacuum due to its weightSharp edges or rough surfaces can harm fish
Allows beneficial bacteria to colonizeCan trap harmful gases like ammonia
Comes in a range of sizes and colors
EpicFishTank Note:

It’s important to note that both sand and gravel can be suitable substrates for guppies, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific needs of your aquarium.

#4 Decorate the tank

Decorating an aquarium for guppies can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to consider the needs of the fish, including fry, to ensure their health and happiness.

Here are some tips to help beginners decorate a guppy tank:

Provide hiding placesGuppies and their Fry require hiding places to feel safe and secure. Decorations such as plants, rocks, and driftwood can provide hiding places for fry to retreat to when they feel threatened.
Include live plantsLive plants provide several benefits for the overall health of the aquarium, including oxygenation, nutrient absorption, and maintaining water quality. They also offer hiding places for fry.
Use non-toxic decorationsTo ensure the safety of the fish, it’s essential to choose decorations that are free of toxic substances and sharp edges that can harm the fish.
Create a natural environmentGuppies thrive in natural environments that mimic their natural habitat. Use decorations such as driftwood, rocks, and live plants to create a natural look and feel.
Provide swimming spaceAvoid overcrowding the aquarium with too many decorations that can limit swimming space for the fish.
Consider the aesthetic appealDecorate the aquarium to create a visually pleasing environment that complements the overall look and feel.

#5 Get the perfect heater for your guppies

Choosing the right heater for your guppy tank is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment for your fish.

Here are some tips for beginners to help them get the perfect heater for their guppies:

Determine the size of the tankChoose a heater with 5 watts of heating power per gallon of water in the tank.
Choose a reliable brandLook for a heater from a reliable brand that has a good reputation for producing high-quality and safe products.
Consider the type of heaterChoose a submersible, hanging, or in-line heater depending on your preference and the setup of your tank.
Check the temperature rangeChoose a heater that can maintain a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F, which is ideal for guppies.
Look for safety featuresChoose a heater with safety features such as an automatic shut-off function and a heater guard to prevent the fish from coming into contact with the hot surface of the heater.
Consider the costChoose a heater that fits your budget but provides the features you need to ensure a healthy and comfortable environment for your guppies.

It is important to choose the right size heater for your aquarium to maintain a stable and comfortable environment for your fish.

To make it easier for you, we have provided a table below for in-door aquariums where the room air temperature is set to 70 °F (21 °C).

Tank SizeHeater Wattage
5 Gallon / 20 Liter25 W
10 Gallon / 40 Liter50 W
20 Gallon / 80 Liter100 W
25 Gallon / 95 Liter125 W
40 Gallon / 150 Liter200 W
50 Gallon / 190 Liter250 W
EpicFishTank Note:

As a beginner guppy owner, we recommend that you choose a submersible heater for your aquarium. Submersible heaters are easy to install and safe for your fish.

#6 Lighting that helps your guppies thrive

Here are some tips for beginner guppy owners on lighting that can help your guppies thrive:

  1. Provide the right amount of light: Guppies need a moderate amount of light, so it’s recommended to provide around 8-10 hours of light per day. Avoid leaving the lights on for too long as this can cause algae growth and other problems.
  2. Use a timer: Consider using a timer to automatically turn the lights on and off at the same time each day. This will help your guppies establish a consistent routine and reduce the risk of overexposure to light.
  3. Choose the right type of light: There are several types of aquarium lights available, including fluorescent, LED, and incandescent lights. LED lights are a popular choice as they are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and provide a natural-looking light.
  4. Position the light correctly: Make sure to position the light so that it provides even coverage throughout the tank. Avoid shining the light directly on the guppies as this can cause stress and discomfort.
  5. Monitor your guppies: Observe your guppies to see how they react to the lighting. If they seem stressed or are exhibiting abnormal behavior, adjust the lighting accordingly.
  6. Use a light hood: A light hood can help protect your guppies from excess light and provide a more natural-looking environment for your fish.

LED lights are a popular choice for aquariums for several reasons. Here is a table summarizing the benefits of LED lights for aquariums:

Energy-efficientUses less energy, which can help reduce electricity bills
Long-lastingHas a longer lifespan compared to other types of lights
Natural-looking lightProvides a natural-looking light similar to sunlight
CustomizableComes with different color options and settings for customization
EpicFishTank Note:

For beginner guppy owners, LED lights can be a good choice as they are easy to use, energy-efficient, and provide a natural-looking light that can help promote the health of your fish and plants.

How to Take Care of a Guppy Fish (Care Sheet)

The best part about caring for guppies is that it’s relatively easy compared to other fish breeds.

Our detailed guide has everything from learning how much food guppies need and what type of water is ideal for them too understanding their day-to-day behaviors and more!

How To Put A Guppy Fish In A New Tank

Here is a step-by-step guide for acclimating and introducing your guppies to a new tank:

  1. Prepare the new tank: Set up the new tank with the appropriate temperature, filtration, and lighting. Make sure that the water is free of chlorine and other harmful chemicals.
  2. Float the bag: Place the bag containing your guppies into the new tank and let it float for about 15 minutes. This will allow the temperature inside the bag to gradually adjust to the new environment.
  3. Gradually add water: Over the course of the next 30 minutes, gradually add small amounts of water from the new tank to the bag. This will help your guppies adjust to the new water parameters.
  4. Release your guppies: After the acclimation period, gently release your guppies into the new tank. Avoid pouring the water from the bag into the new tank as this can transfer harmful bacteria and parasites.
  5. Observe your guppies: Watch your guppies for the first few hours after introduction to the new tank to ensure that they are swimming and behaving normally. Look for any signs of stress or disease, such as hiding, clamped fins, or abnormal swimming patterns.
  6. Feed your guppies: Offer your guppies a small amount of food a few hours after introduction to the new tank. This will help them settle in and adjust to their new surroundings.

💡 Remember to be patient and observe your fish closely to ensure that they are healthy and happy in their new environment.

EpicFishTank Note:

When introducing guppies to a new tank, they may experience stress due to the unfamiliar environment and changes in water chemistry. Stress is a common response in fish when they are exposed to new or challenging situations.

Stress can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of guppies, causing symptoms such as decreased appetite, lethargy, and increased aggression towards other fish. In addition, stress can weaken their immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases and infections.

Guide to Choosing Food for Your Adult Guppy Fish and Guppy Fry

When choosing food for adult guppy fish and guppy fry, it is essential to provide a balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements. A diverse and well-balanced diet will ensure your guppies’ optimal health, growth, and coloration.

The ideal diet should consist of a mix of high-quality commercial flake or pellet food, live food, and occasional vegetables or blanched greens. The commercial food should be rich in protein (around 40-60% for adults and 50-70% for fry), vitamins, and minerals to support their growth and immune system.

EpicFishTank Note:

Incorporating live food, such as moina and daphnia will provide additional nutrients and stimulate natural feeding behavior.

Table: Nutritional Requirements for Adult Guppy Fish and Guppy Fry

NutrientAdult Guppy FishGuppy Fry
Vitamins & MineralsAdequate amountsAdequate amounts
Live Food (Moina, Daphnia, etc.)RegularlyRegularly

💡 For adult guppy fish

Adult guppy fish particularly benefit from moina as a live food source because these small water fleas are rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, and vitamins.

Moina also provides an excellent source of carotenoids, which enhance the guppies’ coloration, making them more vibrant and attractive. The natural hunting behavior exhibited by adult guppies when feeding on moina stimulates their instincts and keeps them active and engaged, contributing to their overall well-being.

EpicFishTank Note:

Avoid overfeeding: Guppies have small stomachs and can easily become overfed, which can lead to health issues. Feed them small amounts of food two to three times per day, and remove any uneaten food after five minutes.

💡 For guppy fry

Guppy fry require daphnia as part of their diet to meet their nutritional needs during their rapid growth phase. Daphnia are small, freshwater crustaceans that are easily digestible and high in protein, which supports the fry’s development and growth.

Moreover, daphnia contain essential fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, crucial for the development of the nervous system and overall health. As guppy fry have small mouths, daphnia’s size makes them an ideal live food choice, encouraging natural feeding behavior and promoting a healthy appetite.

EpicFishTank Note:

1. Gradually introduce other foods: As the fry grow, gradually introduce other types of food, such as finely crushed flakes and live or frozen daphnia.

2. Feed small amounts frequently: Guppy fry have small stomachs and need to eat frequently throughout the day, so consider feeding them small amounts of food four to six times per day.

3. Remove uneaten food: Like adult guppies, guppy fry can easily become overfed, so remove any uneaten food after five minutes to prevent leftover food from polluting the water.

Maintaining Your Guppy Fish Tank

The following table provides recommended ranges for various water parameters and tips to help beginners achieve and maintain suitable conditions for their guppy fish tank.

Water ParameterRecommended RangeReasonTips for Beginners
Water Temperature72-82 °F (22-28 °C)Guppies are tropical fish and require warm water to thrive.Use a reliable aquarium thermometer to monitor water temperature. Adjust the heater as needed to maintain a consistent temperature within the recommended range.
Water pH for Guppy6.8-7.8Guppies prefer slightly alkaline water but can tolerate a wide range of pH levels.Test water pH regularly using a reliable water testing kit. Adjust pH levels as needed using appropriate pH adjusting products. Avoid sudden changes in pH levels.
Water Hardness (dGH)8-12Guppies require moderate hardness to support their health and well-being.Test water hardness regularly using a reliable water testing kit. Add appropriate water conditioners to achieve the recommended hardness range.
Ammonia0 ppmAmmonia is toxic to fish and can cause health problems or even death if levels are too high.Monitor ammonia levels regularly using a reliable water testing kit. Perform regular water changes to remove accumulated waste and prevent ammonia buildup.
Nitrites0 ppmNitrites are toxic to fish and can cause health problems or even death if levels are too high.Monitor nitrite levels regularly using a reliable water testing kit. Perform regular water changes to remove accumulated waste and prevent nitrite buildup.
Nitrates<10 ppmNitrates can build up over time and cause health problems for fish if levels are too high.Test nitrate levels regularly using a reliable water testing kit. Perform regular water changes to keep nitrates below the recommended level. Avoid overfeeding, which can contribute to excess nitrate buildup.

Testing the water regularly is essential to ensure that the water parameters are within the recommended range. In this table, we outline the recommended frequency for testing each of the essential water parameters for guppy fish tanks.

Water ParameterFrequency of Testing
Water Temperature
Water pHWeekly
Water Hardness (dGH)Monthly
EpicFishTank Note:

I’s also important to perform routine water changes. This is because even with the most efficient filtration system, the buildup of organic waste and other pollutants can cause a decline in water quality over time.

In addition to regular water changes, you should also clean your fish tank regularly. This includes scrubbing off any algae that have accumulated on the glass or decorations, vacuuming the gravel substrate, and replacing any filters or filter media as needed. It’s also important to use aquarium-safe cleaning products when performing these tasks.

Common Guppy Fish Diseases

💡 Recognizing the symptoms of the diseases early on guppy is crucial to ensure timely treatment and prevent the spread of the illness to other fish in the aquarium.

Guppies, in particular, are known to be susceptible to several common diseases that can impact their overall well-being.

This table outlines some of the most common diseases that can affect guppies, along with their corresponding symptoms.

DiseaseSymptoms in Guppies
DropsyPinecone-like appearance of scales, swollen belly
Fin and Tail RotFin and tail edges appear frayed or torn, may have white edges
Swollen GillsGills appear inflamed or swollen, fish may struggle to breathe
Swim Bladder DisorderFish may float uncontrollably or sink to the bottom of the tank
White Spot/IchWhite spots or dots on the body, fins, or gills
Columnaris & Mouth FungusCottony growths on the body, ulcers or sores on the mouth
VelvetTiny golden or rust-colored spots, fish may scratch against surfaces
Popped Eyes/PopeyeEyes bulge out of the head, may appear cloudy or discolored
Red Blood SpotRed spots on the body or fins, may indicate internal bleeding
Camallanus Internal WormThin, red worms protruding from the anus
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS)Darkening or discoloration of the skin, internal bleeding
Swim Bladder InflammationFish may struggle to maintain balance, swim erratically
Scoliosis (Bent Spine)Curved or twisted spine, fish may swim abnormally
Fish TuberculosisLethargy, weight loss, hollow belly, difficulty breathing
HexamitiasisLoss of appetite, bloated abdomen, stringy white feces
Gill FlukesExcessive mucus production, gills appear reddish or irritated
EpicFishTank Note:

It is important to note that while this table provides a general overview, it is always recommended to consult with a veterinarian or an experienced aquarist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Types of Guppies

Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the world. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, and patterns that can add beauty and interest to your aquatic setup. Read our complete guide to guppy fish type.

12 Guppy Tail Shapes

types of guppies based on tails

Guppies can be classified based on their tail shapes, which can vary greatly. Here are some of the most common tail shapes:

  1. Fan Tail: This tail shape is wide and fan-shaped, with a rounded edge.
  2. Viel Tail: The veiltail guppy is a variety of guppy that has a long and flowing caudal fin that spreads out like a veil.
  3. Spade Tail: The spade tail is shaped like a spade, with a wide base and a pointed tip.
  4. Round Tail: The round tail is circular in shape, with a rounded edge.
  5. Top Swordtail: The sword is located at the top of the tail fin.
  6. Bottom Swordtail: The sword is located at the bottom of the tail fin.
  7. Double Swordtail : The double swordtail has two extensions on the bottom of the tail, resembling a double sword.
  8. Lyretail: The lyretail is similar to the fan tail, but the edges of the tail are more pointed and resemble a lyre.
  9. Pin Tail: The pin tail is narrow and pointed, with a straight edge.
  10. Flag Tail: The flag tail is similar to the spade tail, but the edges of the tail are more pointed and resemble a flag.
  11. Delta Tail: The delta tail is triangular in shape, with a wide base and a pointed tip.
  12. Speartail: The spear tail guppy is a type of guppy that has a long and narrow caudal fin that resembles a spear.

💡 These are just some of the many tail shapes that Guppies can have, and many breeders have created their own unique tail shapes through selective breeding.

8 Guppy Patterns

types of guppies based on patterns

Guppies can also be classified by their patterns, which can range from simple spots to intricate designs. Here are some common pattern types for Guppies:

  1. Solid – Guppies with solid colors have a uniform color all over their body, without any patterns or spots.
  2. Tuxedo – This pattern features a dark, solid-colored body with a contrasting lighter color on the belly and tail.
  3. Cobra – Guppies with the cobra pattern have a dark, solid-colored body with a light-colored stripe running down the center of their back.
  4. Grass Tail – This pattern features small, scattered spots over the body, often in shades of green or brown.
  5. Snakeskin – Guppies with the snakeskin pattern have a speckled or blotchy appearance, often in shades of black and silver.
  6. Leopard Tail- This pattern features large, irregular spots over the body, often in shades of black and orange.
  7. Mosaic Tail – Guppies with the mosaic pattern have a combination of different colored spots and patterns over their body.
  8. Lace – This pattern features delicate, lacy designs over the body, often in shades of blue or green.
EpicFishTank Note:

Some patterns may be more desirable for breeding purposes, so it’s important to research and select fish with desirable traits if you plan on breeding your guppies.

28 Guppy Type Based on Colors

28 types of guppies colors - guppy fish care

In this table, we have compiled a list of the most common guppy colorations, including Albino, Blue, Red, Black, Green, Yellow, Purple, and many more.

Each coloration has its unique features, and some guppies have a combination of colors and patterns, creating a truly mesmerizing sight.

💡 Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this table will help you understand and appreciate the beauty and diversity of guppies.

AlbinoPale, almost white coloration due to a genetic mutation that prevents the production of melanin.
BlueBlue coloration, ranging from pale to vibrant, metallic blue.
RedBright red coloration, ranging from deep, dark red to lighter, pinkish red.
BlackBlack coloration, ranging from solid black to black with iridescent highlights.
GreenGreen coloration, ranging from pale to vibrant, metallic green.
YellowYellow coloration, ranging from pale to bright, sunny yellow.
PurplePurple coloration, ranging from light lilac to deep, rich purple.
Red NeonBright, neon red coloration that glows under certain lighting conditions.
Silver RedSilver or metallic body with red accents.
Red BicolorDistinctive red and white coloration.
RainbowCombination of colors and patterns that give a rainbow-like appearance.
Golden RedGolden or metallic body with red accents.
Sunset FlameRed and orange coloration that resembles a sunset.
Silver YellowSilver or metallic body with yellow accents.
Blue Green BicolorBlue and green coloration that is divided into two distinct sections.
Neon BlueBright, neon blue coloration that glows under certain lighting conditions.
Turquoise BlueBright, turquoise blue coloration that can be metallic or iridescent.
Blue MoscowBlue body with black accents.
Purple MoscowPurple body with black accents.
Half Green RedHalf-green and half-red body.
Half Black RedRed body with a black tail.
Half Black PastelPastel body with a black tail.
Half Black YellowYellow body with a black tail.
Half Black BlueBlue body with a black tail.
Half Black PurplePurple body with a black tail.
DragonUnique coloration resembling dragon scales, with metallic or iridescent accents.
BronzeBronze or metallic body coloration.
MulticolorCombination of multiple colors and patterns, often with a bright and vibrant appearance.

Guppy Fish FAQs

This FAQs page has all the answers to your questions about guppies. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, this sections provides extra key information on guppies.

How to Identify Male and Female Guppies

How to Identify Male and Female Guppies

Guppies are popular pets that can be easily identified as male or female once they reach at least one week old. Here are two methods for identifying male and female guppies:

MethodMale CharacteristicsFemale Characteristics
Examining the Body Shape and ColoringSlender, long body; small size; bright colors/patterns; no gravid spotRounder, bigger body; larger size; may also have colorful patterns; gravid spot present under tail fin
Looking at the FinsLong dorsal fin that trails in water; wider and longer caudal fin; long and narrow anal fin with pointed endShort dorsal fin that does not trail in water; shorter caudal fin that is not as wide or long; short triangular anal fin with gravid spot just above it.

💡 Examining the Guppies Body Shape and Coloring

a. Look at the shape of the body. Male guppies have slender and long bodies, while female guppies have rounder and bigger bodies. Pregnant female guppy may look even rounder, boxy or lumpy as they get closer to birthing their young.

b. Note the size of the guppy. Female guppies are usually larger, growing up to 2 â…› inches (6 cm), while male guppies grow up to 1-â…› inches (3 cm).

c. Check the coloring and patterns on the body. Male guppies have brighter colors and patterns, often having orange, blue, violet, green, black, and white spots and stripes to attract female mates. However, some types of guppies have females that are also colorful, so it’s not a definitive way to determine the sex of the guppy.

d. Look for the gravid spot on the underside of the tail. Females have a dark spot near their tail called a gravid spot, which gets darker and bigger as they get closer to delivering their young. Males do not have this spot.

💡 Looking at the Guppies Fins

a. Check the shape of the dorsal fin. Male guppies have longer dorsal fins that flow in the water as they swim, while female guppies have shorter dorsal fins that do not trail.

b. Look at the shape of the tail fin. Male guppies have wider and longer caudal fins that are often brightly colored, with elaborate patterns. Female guppies will have shorter caudal fins that are not as wide and long.

c. Notice the length and shape of the anal fin. A male guppy will have a long and narrow anal fin with a slightly pointed end, while a female guppy will have a shorter and triangular anal fin. The gravid spot will be located right above her anal fin.

By using these methods, beginners can easily identify male and female guppies in their aquarium.

What Fish Can live With Guppies?

Selecting guppy tank mates is an important step in creating a happy and healthy guppy environment. Having appropriate guppy tank mates can ensure that guppies are provided with an enriching aquatic home.

Luckily there are plenty of guppy-compatible choices available. To ensure compatibility between different species, use the table below as a guide and research further about their individual needs.

💡 These recommended tank sizes are based on the assumption that a basic filtration system is installed and regular water changes are performed. It’s always a good idea to provide more space for your fish whenever possible to ensure their health and well-being.

Fish SpeciesAdult sizeReasonMinimal Tank Size
Cardinal Tetras1.5 inchesPeaceful schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Cory Catfish2.5 – 3 inchesBottom-dwelling scavengers20 gallons per 3-4 fish
Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish2 inchesColorful and peaceful schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Harlequin Rasbora2 inchesPeaceful schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Endler’s Livebearers1 inchSmall and colorful livebearing fish5 gallons per pair
Dwarf Chain Loach2 – 3 inchesBottom-dwelling scavengers10 gallons per 3-4 fish
White Cloud Mountain Minnow1.5 inchesHardy and peaceful schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Mollies3 – 4 inchesColorful and active livebearing fish10 gallons per 2-3 fish
Rummy Nose Tetra2 inchesPeaceful schooling fish with bright red noses10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Otocinclus2 inchesSmall and peaceful algae-eating fish10 gallons per 4-5 fish
Kuhli Loach4 inchesLong and slender bottom-dwelling fish20 gallons per 3-4 fish
Neon Tetra1.5 inchesPeaceful schooling fish with bright blue and red colors10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Swordtail Fish4 – 5 inchesColorful livebearing fish with long tails20 gallons per pair
Chili Rasbora1 inchSmall and peaceful schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Sparkling Gourami1.5 – 2 inchesColorful and peaceful fish with a labyrinth organ10 gallons per pair
Honey Gourami2 inchesColorful and peaceful fish with a labyrinth organ10 gallons per pair
Zebra Danio2 inchesHardy and active schooling fish10 gallons per 6-8 fish
Platies2.5 – 3 inchesColorful and active livebearing fish10 gallons per pair
EpicFishTank Note:

When choosing fish to live together in the same habitat as guppies, it’s important to pick species which have similar requirements in terms of water temperature, filtration, and food sources.

How Big Can Guppies Get?

It’s important to note that guppies are a small fish species. The average adult guppy size is around 1.5 to 2.5 inches (3.8 to 6.4 cm) in length.

Male guppies tend to be smaller than females, with males averaging around 1.5 inches and females around 2 inches. However, some guppies can grow up to 3 inches in length, but this is relatively uncommon.

It’s worth mentioning that the size of guppies can vary depending on a number of factors. Genetics, environment, and diet can all play a role in determining how big a guppy will grow.

How Long Do Guppies Live

Here’s a table summarizing the lifespan of guppies:

In the wildIn captivity
Lifespan2 years2-5 years
Average2 years2-3 years
MaximumN/A5 years

Note: that while guppies in the wild typically live for about 2 years, the maximum lifespan is unknown. In captivity, guppies can live up to 5 years, but this is relatively uncommon.

The average lifespan of guppies in captivity is around 2-3 years, but with proper care and a healthy environment, guppies can live longer.

Final Words

After learning about guppies, you should now have the basic knowledge to keep them healthy and happy. Keeping guppies is not difficult and can be rewarding for both experienced and novice hobbyists alike.

It’s important to remember that each tank will have its own unique conditions, so research the species further before adding them to your aquarium. Guppies require hard water pH levels and plenty of areas for hiding within their tanks.

Be sure to provide plenty of plants and other decorations to create more complex swimming spaces. Additionally, it’s best to keep only compatible fish together in the same tank; this way, even timid guppies can adjust comfortably.

With proper research and careful planning, you’ll have a thriving tank of beautiful guppies in no time!


  1. | Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859
  2. Youtube | 6 Awesome Guppy Fish Tankmates & Types of Guppies
  3. Michael Langerman Medium | Guppy Gender

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Reza Darmesta Agustiar Avatar

Reza is a digital marketer and an avid freshwater aquarist. He's been keeping fish tanks for more than 10 years and has always been fascinated by the delicate balance of life in water.

Reza loves to share his knowledge about both digital marketing and fishkeeping with others, and he is always happy to help new aquarists get started in this rewarding hobby.

Winahyu Drajat Wibisono Avatar

Wibisono is a freshwater fish breeder who raises and breeds different species of ornamental fish like betta, guppy, flowerhorn, and goldfish. He has been in the business since 2018 and exports his fish to different countries. He is committed to providing high-quality and healthy fish to his customers.

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