Betta Fish Care: Beginner’s Comprehensive Guide

betta fish care - siamese fighting fish care guide

Are you passionate about betta fish and looking to become a betta expert?

Betta fish have been around for centuries and they’re one of the most unique types of aquarium inhabitants. With their vibrant personalities and beautiful features, there’s no wonder why people love them so much.

They come in so many different colors, patterns, shapes, sizes, and fins – the possibilities are limitless! But with great beauty comes great responsibility.

To ensure your betta lives a long happy life you must understand their needs and create an appropriate environment to give them everything they need to thrive. And this is where we come in!

Here at, we provide all the resources necessary for any betta fish enthusiast who wants to learn more about caring for these magnificent creatures – from tank setup tips to maintenance instructions, nutrition advice, and more

Learn more today about how to create an ideal home for your Siamese fighting fish by reading our extensive guide on betta fish care now!

Easy types of bettas for beginners to get started with!

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of caring for your betta fish, it is important to understand what is the best type of betta for beginners and the difficult types of bettas for more experienced aquarists.

The categorization of Betta fish types based on their level of difficulty for beginners is primarily determined by the complexity of their fin and tail structures.

EpicFishTank Note:

The easiest Betta types have simpler fin and tail structures, making them hardier and less demanding in terms of care and maintenance. In contrast, the more difficult Betta types have more intricate and delicate fin and tail structures that require a higher level of care and attention.

Easiest Betta for Beginners:

  1. Plakat Betta
  2. Veiltail Betta
  3. Spade Tail Betta
  4. Half Moon Betta

💡Why they are recommended for beginners: These Betta types have simpler fin and tail structures, making them hardy and easier to care for.

Intermediate Betta for Beginners:

  1. Big Ear Betta
  2. Delta Tail Betta
  3. Combtail Betta
  4. Half-Sun Betta

💡Why they are not quite recommended for beginners: These Betta types have more unique and intricate fin and tail structures, which require a bit more care and attention compared to the easier Betta types. However, they are still manageable for beginners who are willing to invest a little extra effort in their care.

Difficult Betta for Beginners:

  1. Crowntail Betta
  2. Dumbo Ear Betta
  3. Rosetail Betta
  4. Feathertail Betta

💡Why they are not recommended for beginners: These Betta types have complex and delicate fin and tail structures that require a higher level of care and maintenance. They are best suited for experienced Betta keepers who have the necessary knowledge and resources to provide the optimal environment for their Betta.

In this table, we’ve provided an overview of 12 popular species of Betta fish and their respective difficulty levels

Betta TypeFin and TailDifficulty Level for BeginnerExplanation
Plakat BettaShort and straightEasiestPlakat bettas have short fins and a straight tail, which makes them easier to care for compared to other betta types.
Half Moon BettaLarge and roundEasiestHalf moon bettas have large, round fins that are easy to care for and can be striking in appearance.
Veiltail BettaLong and flowingEasiestVeiltail bettas have long, flowing fins that are easy to care for and give them a graceful appearance.
Spade Tail BettaPointed and triangularEasiestSpade tail bettas have a unique, pointed tail that is easy to care for and can make them stand out.
Big Ear BettaLong and droopyIntermediateBig ear bettas have long, droopy fins that require a bit more care than some of the easier betta types.
Delta Tail BettaTriangular and largeIntermediateDelta tail bettas have large, triangular fins that can require some extra care, but are still manageable for beginners.
Combtail BettaSpiky and layeredIntermediateCombtail bettas have spiky, layered fins that may require a bit more attention than some of the easier betta types.
Half-Sun BettaHalf-circle and largeIntermediateHalf-sun bettas have large, half-circle shaped fins that can be more challenging to care for, but are still manageable for beginners.
Crowntail BettaPointed and frilledDifficultCrowntail bettas have pointed, frilled fins that can be difficult to care for and may require more experience.
Dumbo Ear BettaLong and droopyDifficultDumbo ear bettas have long, droopy fins that can be more challenging to care for and may require more experience.
Rosetail BettaFrilled and layeredDifficultRosetail bettas have frilled, layered fins that can be quite delicate and require more care than some of the easier betta types.
Feathertail BettaFluffy and layeredDifficultFeathertail bettas have fluffy, layered fins that are quite delicate and require a lot of attention, making them one of the more difficult betta types for beginners.

How to Set Up a Betta Fish Tank (Starter Guide)

How to Set Up a Betta Fish Tank

#1 Choose the right tank size: 

Choosing the right tank size for your Betta fish is essential for their health and well-being. Betta fish are active swimmers and require adequate space to move around freely.

While they are often sold in small cups, these containers are not suitable for long-term housing and can cause stress and health problems for the fish.

In this table, we’ll discuss the considerations you should keep in mind when choosing the right tank size for your Betta fish.

Minimum tank sizeYour betta’s aquarium should hold a minimum of 2.5 gallons of water. Bettas can survive in smaller tanks, but it’s not ideal as they need space to roam. Living in too small a tank for an extended period of time can shorten their lifespan. We recommended 5 gallons tank instead.
Proper swimming spaceBetta fish require a minimum tank size of 5 gallons to allow for proper swimming space. A larger tank size of 10-20 gallons or more is even better, as it provides more space and allows for the addition of other compatible fish and decorations.
Water quality maintenanceA larger tank size means a greater volume of water, which can help dilute harmful chemicals and maintain stable water parameters.
Compatibility with other fishA larger tank can provide space for other compatible fish to live with your betta. Research fish that can coexist peacefully with your betta before adding them to the tank.
DecorationsA larger tank size allows for more decorations, such as plants, caves, and driftwood, which can provide hiding spots and create a visually appealing environment for your fish.

#2 Select the right filtration system:

Betta fish able to survive without a filter, but it isn’t the most ideal for their long-term health. Without a filter, water changes become more frequent to keep water fresh and clean.

Having a filter in a betta fish’s tank is an excellent way to maintain the highest quality of life for your betta.

But with so many different filters on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which one is best for your betta. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a filter:

  1. Aquarium size: Make sure the filter is appropriate for the size of your tank to ensure effective filtration. Check the packaging or specifications to see the recommended tank size.
  2. Output rate: Bettas prefer calm water with low flow rates, so choose a filter with an adjustable output rate to modify the flow as needed. This will also prevent stress on your fish.
  3. Tank mates and plants: Consider any other living things in your tank, such as plants and tank mates. Some filters may not be compatible with live plants or may create too much flow for some tank mates. Consult with the experts at your fish store if you have any concerns.
  4. Noise level: Some filters can be quite loud, which can be disruptive for you and stressful for your fish. Look for filters that are specifically designed to be quiet, or consider adding a noise-reducing pad or sponge to the filter to muffle the sound.
  5. Maintenance requirements: All filters require some degree of maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing filter media. Make sure to choose a filter that you will be able to keep up with and that won’t be too difficult or time-consuming to maintain.
  6. Brand and quality: There are many different brands of filters on the market, and not all of them are created equal. Look for filters from reputable brands that have good reviews and are known for their quality and reliability.

💡 A gentle and low-flow filter, such as a sponge filter or adjustable HOB filter, is recommended for betta fish tanks to avoid stressing the fish and damaging their fins.

#3 Use the right substrate:

Betta fish are fascinating creatures that hail from the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia.

Their natural habitat includes slow-moving waterways, rice paddies, rainwater ditches, floodplains, and ponds in countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand.

In their native environment, betta fish enjoy silty, muddy bottoms, often covered with leaf litter. However, replicating this kind of environment in an aquarium can be challenging and messy to maintain.

Let’s take a look at some considerations when choosing the best substrate for your Betta fish tank.

Substrate TypeDescription
GravelThis is the most popular choice for betta tanks as it is easy to maintain and won’t let betta wastes penetrate too deeply. Gravel comes in different colors and sizes, allowing you to customize your tank’s appearance. It’s important to choose gravel that won’t scratch your betta’s delicate fins, so avoid rough or jagged types.
SandSand is also a good choice for cleaning, as it keeps betta wastes on the surface and makes it easy to siphon them out during water changes. However, it can compact over time and requires occasional raking to prevent dead spots where debris accumulates. Sand can also be problematic for filters with intake tubes, as it can get sucked in and clog the system.
MarblesMarbles are not recommended for betta tanks, as they trap lots of betta debris and require constant movement to clean properly. They also provide no surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow, which is important for maintaining a healthy aquarium. Marbles can be used sparingly as a decorative accent, but not as the main substrate.
EpicFishTank Note:

Gravel is the best substrate for betta tanks due to its ability to prevent betta waste from penetrating too deeply. It is also easier to maintain.

#4 Decorate the tank:

If you’re new to keeping Betta fish, it’s important to know that providing a comfortable and safe environment is crucial for your fish to thrive.

One aspect of creating a suitable habitat for your Betta fish is selecting the right decorations for their tank. While it may be tempting to add all kinds of ornaments, it’s important to be selective about what you include.

Some decorations can be harmful to your Betta fish or impact the quality of their tank water. In this table, we’ll go over what to avoid when selecting decorations for your Betta fish tank to ensure your fish stay happy and healthy.

Sharp decorationsAvoid any decorations with sharp edges or rough surfaces that can tear or snag your Betta fish’s delicate fins.
Metal itemsAvoid placing any metal objects in your Betta fish tank as they can rust and harm your fish.
Painted ornamentsSteer clear of painted ornaments that can deteriorate and flake off in the water, potentially harming your Betta fish.
Sea shells, dried coral, or beach sandThese items can alter the pH levels in your Betta fish tank water, potentially harming your fish.
Overcrowding the tank with decorationsToo many decorations can stress your Betta fish and affect the water quality in your tank.

Choosing the right substrate for your Betta fish tank is important for maintaining good water quality and creating a natural and comfortable environment for your fish. The substrate is the material that lines the bottom of the tank and provides a surface for beneficial bacteria to grow.

💡 Betta fish are known to be territorial and can benefit from having hiding spots in their tank, so it’s important to include decorations that allow them to swim in and out of hiding spots. You can provide these hiding spots by adding plants, caves, driftwood, or other decorations. Aquatic plants like Java Fern or Anubias are easy to care for and make great additions to your Betta fish tank.

#5 Get the perfect heater for your betta

Choosing the right heater for your Betta fish tank is crucial to maintaining a stable water temperature and keeping your fish healthy. Betta fish are tropical fish and require a water temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C) to thrive.

When selecting a heater for your Betta fish tank, it’s important to consider the size of your tank and the wattage of the heater. Read the table below to ensure you get the right heater for your tank.

Tank SizeChoose a heater with an appropriate wattage based on your tank size. As a rule of thumb, use 5 watts of heating power per gallon of water in your tank.
Wattage of HeaterFor a 10-gallon tank, choose a heater with a minimum of 50 watts. Increase wattage as needed for larger tanks.
Built-in ThermostatChoose a heater with a built-in thermostat to ensure accurate temperature control and maintain a consistent water temperature.
Additional FeaturesLook for heaters that have safety features such as automatic shut-off when the water level is too low or when the desired temperature is reached. This can prevent damage to the heater and ensure the safety of your fish.

Here are some additional considerations for beginners when choosing the right heater for their Betta fish tank:

Heater PlacementPlace the heater in an area of the tank with good water flow, but not directly under the filter or near the surface where it can be affected by temperature fluctuations.
Heater SizeChoose a heater that is appropriate for your tank size. A heater that is too small may not be able to maintain the desired temperature, while a heater that is too large can overheat the water and harm your fish.
Type of HeaterThere are different types of heaters available, such as submersible heaters that are placed fully underwater, or hang-on-back heaters that partially stick out of the water. Consider which type of heater is best for your tank setup and your personal preference.
BudgetConsider your budget when selecting a heater. While it’s important to invest in a high-quality heater for your Betta fish, there are also affordable options available that can still provide reliable temperature control.
EpicFishTank Note:

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use of your chosen heater to ensure the safety of your Betta fish and the longevity of the equipment.

#6 Cycle the tank:

The nitrogen cycle is a crucial step in setting up a healthy home for your betta fish. Please read carefully and follow all steps when cycling your tank to ensure a safe and happy environment for your fish. Good luck!

Starting a nitrogen cycle in an aquarium can be a daunting process, but it’s incredibly important for the health of your tank. As part of this process, nitrogen must cycle through the filter and tank before being fully established.

It involves nitrogen waste produced by the fish being broken down into nitrogen compounds such as ammonia, nitrite, and finally nitrate. Depending on factors such as tank size and filter strength, this cycling process typically takes a few weeks to complete.

Check the diagram below to find out the steps involved in cycling your Betta fish tank

The Nitrogen Cycle Diagram in Aquariums

Having a healthier tank with established nitrogen levels will help protect your betta fish from ammonia poisoning and create an environment where they can thrive.

Once the nitrogen cycle is established, it’s important to perform regular maintenance such as water changes and filter cleaning to keep your betta fish healthy.

There are two ways to cycle a tank: fishless cycling and fish-in cycling. Fishless cycling involves introducing bacteria into the water without any fish, while fish-in cycling involves introducing bacteria with the betta present.

Whichever method you choose, our comprehensive guide on how to cycle a fish tank is there to help you out. With it, you’ll get plenty of information and step-by-step instructions that make the process easier.

How to Take Care of a Betta Fish (Beginner’s Guide)

freshwater fish

Taking care of a Betta Fish should be an enjoyable experience. That’s why we have created a beginner’s guide to help you learn all the things needed to provide them with a comfortable environment.

From acclimation and food selection, all the way through maintenance and disease prevention & treatment!

With our Beginner’s Guide, you’ll be able to make sure your Betta is always healthy and happy by providing it with the best possible conditions for its physical and mental well-being.

💡 You will also save time and money that would have been spent on treatments or vet visits caused by improper betta care.

How To Put A Betta Fish In A New Tank

If you’re a beginner in the world of betta fish ownership, acclimating your new fish to its new tank can be a daunting task. However, it’s an essential step to ensure your betta’s health and happiness in its new home

Here is a step-by-step guide to acclimating your betta fish to its new tank:

  1. Open the bag containing your betta fish and put it in the tank water. Make sure the bag stays on the surface and doesn’t sink.
  2. Add a small amount of your aquarium water to the bag every 5-10 minutes for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Release the fish into the aquarium.

If you have a small transportation container, you can use the same process but add water to the container instead of the bag. If the container is too small, transfer the fish to a larger container that is clean and rinsed with aquarium or fresh water.

Remember, transportation bags are usually clear plastic bags filled with water, and tied with a knot to create an airtight environment for the fish. If you’re unsure about how your betta was transported, check with the seller or consider purchasing a transportation bag for future use.

💡 How to Acclimate Betta Fish Video Guide

The video provides tips on how to acclimate a new betta fish to a brand new tank. Acclimation is important because sudden changes in temperature or water parameters can shock the fish. There are several ways to acclimate, including drip acclimation and slowly adjusting the fish to the new temperature by adding small amounts of tank water to the container the fish came in.

Types of Food for Your Betta Fish

Feeding your betta can be a fun and rewarding experience, but with so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide what to feed them.

In this article section, we’ll break down the pros and cons of different types of betta food, including pellets, frozen whole foods, freeze-dried foods, and live food.

We’ll also provide tips on how much to feed your betta and how to recognize signs of overfeeding. Keep reading to learn more about how to keep your betta healthy and happy through their diet.

Type of Food: Pellets

  • Examples: Tetra Betta Small Pellets
  • Preparation: Ready to use, no preparation required.
  • Pros: Convenient, easy to store, contains all necessary nutrients.
  • Cons: May not provide the variety that other foods offer.
  • Cost: Typically affordable, prices vary depending on brand and quantity.

Type of Food: Frozen whole foods

  • Examples: Frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Preparation: Defrost a small amount of food about 20 minutes ahead of feeding time.
  • Pros: High in nutrients, natural option for bettas, palatable to bettas.
  • Cons: Requires storage in freezer, may not be readily available in all areas.
  • Cost: Usually more expensive than pellets, prices vary depending on brand and quantity.

Type of Food: Freeze-dried foods

  • Examples: Bloodworms and brine shrimp
  • Preparation: Soak in water for about 15 minutes prior to serving.
  • Pros: Convenient, easy to store, contains all necessary nutrients.
  • Cons: May cause constipation and other digestive issues if not soaked properly.
  • Cost: Typically affordable, prices vary depending on brand and quantity.

Type of Food: Live food

  • Examples: Bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, moina
  • Preparation: Purchase from a local aquarium store or culture at home.
  • Pros: Healthiest and most natural option for bettas, palatable to bettas.
  • Cons: May carry diseases or parasites, requires more effort to obtain and prepare.
  • Cost: Typically the most expensive option, prices vary depending on availability and quantity.

How to recognize signs of overfeeding

How to recognize signs of betta fish overfeeding

It is essential to recognize the signs of overfeeding and adjust your feeding habits accordingly. Here are some common signs to look out for:

  1. Bloating: Overfeeding can cause bloating in betta fish, which makes their stomachs appear swollen/larger than usual.
  2. Floating: If your fish floating on the surface, it may indicate that you are feeding your betta fish too much.
  3. Constipation: If your betta fish is constipated, it may have difficulty passing waste and may exhibit signs of discomfort or inactivity.
  4. Foul water: Overfeeding can cause uneaten food to decompose, leading to a buildup of harmful chemicals in the water, which can produce a foul smell.

If you notice any of these signs, you should immediately stop feeding your betta fish and adjust your feeding schedule.

Feed your betta fish small amounts of food twice or thrice a day, and remove any uneaten food within a few minutes to prevent overfeeding. It’s also essential to provide a varied diet and not rely solely on one type of food.

Also Read: How Long Can A Betta Fish Go Without Food? (Expert Advice)

EpicFishTank Note:

Overfeeding is a common problem among betta fish owners, and it can lead to various health problems for your fish, including bloating, constipation, and even swim bladder disease.

Maintaining Your Betta Fish Tank

💡 Maintaining healthy water conditions is crucial for keeping betta fish healthy and happy. Understanding the ideal ranges for water temperature, pH, nitrite and nitrate levels, and carbonate and hardness levels can help you provide your fish with the best possible environment.

When it comes to water parameters, here is the basic guideline you should follow.

Water Temperature

Betta fish need warm water between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, ideally at the upper range of those temperatures, to be comfortable. To maintain this temperature range, you will need a heater to keep the temperature in range, and you should choose one with enough power to heat your whole tank.

As a general rule, use 1 watt of power per 1 liter (3.8L per gallon) of water. For a 5-gallon tank, for instance, you’ll need at least a 20-watt heater.

Water Quality

To make sure the water in your betta’s tank has healthy levels of compounds, ions, and pH, it’s essential to test it weekly. Using test strips like API’s 5-in-1 Test Strips will measure five parameters: pH, nitrite and nitrate, carbonate (KH), and hardness (GH).

pH Levels

Bettas do best when kept in water with a neutral pH of around 7, though they can tolerate a range of 6.5 to 7.5. Tap water in most places falls somewhere between 6.5 and 8.5, so it’s a good idea to check the pH of your tap water before putting your fish in it.

Nitrite and Nitrate

Nitrite and nitrate are nitrogenous compounds that come from the breakdown of ammonia, the main waste product that fish excrete through their gills. Ideally, nitrite levels should be 0 ppm, and nitrate levels should be below 40 ppm.

Carbonate (KH) and Hardness (GH)

Carbonate (KH) is a measure of dissolved bicarbonate and carbonate ions, which indicate the buffering capacity, or pH stability, of your water. Hardness (GH) is a measure of calcium and magnesium ions, which are important for breeding certain species of fish. Ideal ranges for carbonate and hardness levels are 50-120 ppm and 50-100 ppm, respectively.

💡 The table below summarizes the ideal range and recommended testing frequency, which can help Betta owners maintain a healthy and stable aquatic environment for their beloved fish.

ParameterIdeal RangeTesting Frequency
Water Temperature75-80 °F (24-27 °C)
Nitrite (NO2-)0 ppmWeekly
Nitrate (NO3-)Below 40 ppmWeekly
Carbonate (KH)50-120 ppmMonthly
Hardness (GH)50-100 ppmMonthly

Note: Water temperature should be maintained using a heater with at least 1 watt of power per 1 liter (3.8L per gallon) of water. Test strips like API’s 5-in-1 Test Strips can measure all five parameters listed above.

EpicFishTank Note:

Cleaning a fish tank is an essential part of maintaining healthy water conditions for betta fish. Without clean water, nitrite and nitrate levels can rapidly increase, resulting in a toxic environment that causes stress on the fish.

15 Common Betta Fish Diseases

Like all living organisms, Bettas are susceptible to various diseases that can impact their health and well-being. Early identification and treatment of these diseases are crucial to prevent further harm and improve the chances of recovery.

The table below outlines 15 of the most common diseases that can affect Betta fish, along with their associated symptoms and recommended treatment options.

By familiarizing themselves with these diseases and their symptoms, Betta owners can quickly identify and manage health problems, ensuring their beloved fish remain healthy and happy.

Disease NameSymptomsTreatment
Fin and Tail RotTorn, ragged, or disintegrating fins and tailAquarium salt treatment, Melafix or Bettafix
ColumnarisWhite patches on body, frayed finsAntibiotics, change in water quality, hydrogen peroxide
HemorrhagicRed streaks or spots on body or finsAntibiotics, aquarium salt treatment
DropsySwollen body and raised scalesAntibiotics, Epsom salt baths, improve water quality
PopeyeSwollen or protruding eyesAntibiotics, improve water quality
EyecloudWhite or cloudy film covering eyesAntibiotics, improve water quality
Mouth FungusWhite or gray growth around mouth areaAntibiotics, improve water quality, hydrogen peroxide
FurunkulosisSores or boils on bodyAntibiotics, aquarium salt treatment
Fish FungusWhite or gray cotton-like growths on bodyAntibiotics, improve water quality, hydrogen peroxide
VelvetGold or rust-colored dust on bodyCopper-based medication, improve water quality
IchWhite spots on body or finsMedication, improve water quality
Anchor WormsSmall white or red worms sticking out from bodyRemove with tweezers, medicate tank, improve water quality
Hole in the HeadSmall pits on head or bodyAntibiotics, improve water quality
Swim Bladder DisorderDifficulty swimming or floating on one sideImprove water quality, adjust feeding routine
Betta TumorsLumps or growths on bodySurgery, removal of tumor, improve water quality and nutrition
EpicFishTank Note:

Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial for the successful management of Betta fish diseases. Consultation with a veterinarian or an experienced fish keeper is recommended if symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment efforts.

Betta Fish FAQs

We created the Betta Fish FAQs as an all-encompassing resource for everything you could ever want to understanding these beautiful fish.

How to Identify the Gender of Betta Fish (Easy way)

Determining the sex of a Betta fish can be challenging, especially if the fish is young or not showing any distinctive traits.

The easiest way to identify the gender of Betta fish is by observing their physical characteristics. Here are some tips:

CharacteristicMale Betta FishFemale Betta Fish
Body ShapeLonger and thinnerShorter and rounder
Fin LengthMuch longer, colorful and elaborateShorter and less elaborate
Fin Ray ExtensionLonger, thin and pointed in pectoral and anal finsThicker and shorter fins
“Egg Spot”AbsentSmall white spot on belly
BehaviorAggressive and territorial, flares fins and displays colorsDocile, less likely to show aggression
Breeding BehaviorBuilds bubble nests and exhibits elaborate courtship displaysDisplays vertical stripes on body indicating readiness to mate
EpicFishTank Note:

By observing these characteristics, you should be able to determine the gender of your Betta fish. However, it’s important to note that young or immature Betta fish may not exhibit these traits, and some Betta fish may have more ambiguous physical features that make it difficult to determine their gender.

What Fish Can live With Bettas?

As a beginner aquarist, it’s important to choose compatible tank mates for your betta fish.

While bettas can be territorial and aggressive towards other fish, there are some species that can coexist peacefully in the same aquarium.

In this table, we’ve listed some of the best betta tank mates for beginners.

Tank MatesDescription
Neon, Ember, and Cardinal TetrasThese tetras are small, colorful and peaceful, making them great tank mates for bettas. They are also very active swimmers and can add a lot of movement to the aquarium.
Harlequin RasborasThese small, peaceful fish are great tank mates for bettas. They are also very active swimmers and can add a lot of movement to the aquarium.
Kuhli LoachesThese peaceful bottom-dwelling fish are great at scavenging leftover food and algae. They are also very active and entertaining to watch.
Clown PlecoThese bottom-dwelling fish are great at keeping the tank clean by eating algae and other waste. They are also very peaceful and can add some unique color and pattern to the aquarium.
GuppiesThese colorful and active fish are great for adding some variety to the aquarium. They are also peaceful and can coexist well with bettas.
Zebra DaniosThese active and playful fish are great at adding movement to the aquarium. They are also peaceful and can coexist well with bettas.
Corydoras CatfishThese peaceful bottom-dwelling fish are great at scavenging leftover food and can add some interesting behavior to the aquarium.
GlofishThese neon-colored fish are great for adding some vibrant color to the aquarium. They are also peaceful and can coexist well with bettas.
OtocinclusThese peaceful and hardworking fish are great at keeping the tank clean by eating algae. They are also very small and won’t take up much space in the aquarium.
betta fish tank mates for beginners

Who said opposites don’t attract? Our half moon betta is living it up with his tetra tank mates! 🐠 #betta #fishtank #tankmates

Final Words

If you have made it through this comprehensive beginner’s guide to caring for betta fish, then you can feel confident in your ability to take care of this majestic creature.

Taking the time to gain a thorough understanding of what they need and how best to provide that will go a long way toward prolonging their lives and helping them reach their full potential.

With proper care and maintenance, betta fish are capable of living up to five years in captivity, so with this knowledge in hand, you can start creating the perfect environments for them to flourish.

A comment we like to make before closing out is that there is no substitute for consistent observation.

Your best friend when taking care of your betta fish is keeping an eye on their food consumption, behavior and overall health; so while having this guide as a resource is great, having a watchful mindset when it comes to your beloved pet will serve you even better.


  1. | Agonistic Behavior in Betta splendens
  2. | The most common diseases associated with aquarium fish
  3. | The Study of Different Foods on Spawning Efficiency of Siamese Fighting Fish
  4. | Siamese Fighting Fish
  5. | Betta splendens Regan, 1910
  6. | Feed of Siamese fighting fish

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Reza Darmesta Agustiar Avatar

Reza is a digital marketer and an avid freshwater aquarist. He's been keeping fish tanks for more than 10 years and has always been fascinated by the delicate balance of life in water.

Reza loves to share his knowledge about both digital marketing and fishkeeping with others, and he is always happy to help new aquarists get started in this rewarding hobby.

Winahyu Drajat Wibisono Avatar

Wibisono is a freshwater fish breeder who raises and breeds different species of ornamental fish like betta, guppy, flowerhorn, and goldfish. He has been in the business since 2018 and exports his fish to different countries. He is committed to providing high-quality and healthy fish to his customers.

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